The Covid Fake Pandemic lethal vaccines contain a hydrogel substance inoculated with an assortment of pathogens and embedded as lipid nanoparticles. The pathogens include Ebola, Ecoli, and a Marburg strain, which could be the principle causal agents for the upcoming next vaccine-induced mass death: Code named: “Disease X.” During the time in 2020–2022 when the chemically and Media-stupefied masses were in “Lockdown,” unwitting civilian government subcontractors worked diligently to install 5G towers throughout America and the rest of the world. Microwave 5G frequencies from these towers shall activate the pathogenic mixture to erupt from within the lipid hydrogel and dump it into the blood stream of the vaxxed victim, thereby expediting vaccine mortality. A series of three 1-minute 5G pulses is the electromagnetic signal code which triggers the release of the lethal mixture into the body of the vaxxed. Prior to that occurrence they are a ticking time bomb of walking death, and having been gene-spliced with nonhuman DNA, are genetically no longer human, but rather, nonhuman. These are the “Zombies” which, for decades, Hollywood predictive programming has foretold. At some key point in the future the 3-pulse 5G 18 GHZ signal will be enacted and shall result in a massive kill off of those who unwisely submitted to the Fake Pandemic vaccines. (The cited cause will of course be the latest New World Order 93 strains of nonexistent “Virus.”) Further, the vaccine-injected 1P36 gene deletion sequence will genetically alter the vaxxed to display aggressive violent behavior, eliciting unprovoked attacks upon the unvaxxed and each other. Characterized by animalistic biting suggestive of a nonhuman pathology, those with the deleted genetics will become the fulfillment of a Hollywood horror film. (“Zombie Dominance” has already been recognized by law enforcement, and protocols are in place to address it.)
As of the year 2020 the beginning of the end is upon us. Suddenly the whole world is thrust into a state of continual crisis and media-promoted fabrications about a Fake Pandemic and nonexistent Corona Virus. Nearly everyone believes the scripted lies, and those who don’t are watching and waiting for the next government-sponsored act of terrorism. Global depopulation by vaccine injection, human microchipping, vaccine gene splicing to replace human DNA with nonhuman DNA, Chromosomal-damaging 5G radiation, Starlink plantary surveillance, transhumanism, trauma-based mass programming, highway checkpoints, lockdowns, warrantless searches, Police State, FEMA Death Camps, and much more. With psychopathic madmen ruling the world, the human race is doomed for extinction. The timeline has already been determined by an all-knowing God.