In this 2014 book, Soul Esprit forecasted the massive U.S. Stock Market decline of 2020 – six years before it occurred! In this 2015 book, (1st Draft written in 1992), Soul Esprit once again stated there would be Crash of the U.S. Stock Market in the year 2020! And in this 2018 book (pgs. 115-118), Soul Esprit went on record for the third time when correctly predicting there would be a major drop in the U.S. financial markets in 2020! Additionally, in that same book (p. 131) he also graphically illustrated the advancing Gold and Silver markets with extreme precision!

Soul Esprit has proven, time and time again, that he is the best Financial Market Analyst and Economic Forecaster the world has ever known.


Can the Stock Market be Predicted?

Soul Esprit predicted Gold Advance and Corona Virus Government Terrorism 2 Years BEFORE it Happened!

Tallahassee, Fla.

On December 6, 2023, State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo sent a letter to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Dr. Robert M. Califf and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Mandy Cohen regarding questions pertaining to the safety assessments and the exit disclaimer icondiscovery of billions of DNA fragments per dose of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
The Surgeon General outlined concerns regarding nucleic acid contaminants in the approved Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, particularly in the presence of lipid nanoparticle complexes, and Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoter/enhancer DNA. Lipid nanoparticles are an efficient vehicle for delivery of the mRNA in the COVID-19 vaccines into human cells and may therefore be an equally efficient vehicle for delivering contaminant DNA into human cells.
Excerpt: “DNA integration poses a unique and elevated risk to human health and to the integrity of the human genome, including the risk that DNA integrated into sperm or egg gametes could be passed onto offspring of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients. If the risks of DNA integration have not been assessed for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, these vaccines are not appropriate for use in human beings.”

Predictably, the globalist’s-controlled FDA denied these fact-based claims.THE POINT OF THE COVID Vaccine LETHAL INJECTIONS was and continues to be GLOBAL GENOCIDE and THE CONTAMINATION OF THE HUMAN GENOME FOR TRANSFERENCE TO FUTURE GENERATIONS. Thereby it would not be essential to vaccinate everyone on earth, but only a large percentage of those who believed the Covid Pandemic falsehood. All their children will have the lethal mRNA genetic alteration. And their children’s children.


– A microchip, to track you.
– Gene-splicing mRNA, to alter your genetics, changing you from human to nonhuman. As of the year 2020 the beginning of the end is upon us. Suddenly the whole world is thrust into a state of continual crisis and media-promoted fabrications about a Fake Pandemic and nonexistent Corona Virus. Nearly everyone believes the scripted lies, and those who don’t are watching and waiting for the next government-sponsored act of terrorism. Global depopulation by vaccine…
– Graphine oxide, a metallic substance which coats all of your 20 trillion cells and causes your red blood cells to clot. Coagulated blood does not flow. Red cells transport oxygen, which is needed for life. If your blood doesn’t flow, your cells die. Your brain uses 20% of the oxygen. Therefore, your brain is dying. When the Graphine oxide charge is triggered (by 5G) to change it from neutral to positive, it annihilates everything it comes into contact with, which is you. (Estimated time until sudden death: 6 months – 1 year).
– A parasite (Schistosoma), affects the liver, intestines, and other organs.

Self-assembling Operating System that replaces all the bodily cells with metallic computer hardware. The software to operate the transhuman computer is provided by 5G transmissions.

– Liquid Crystals embedded in your brain. LC’s are a semiconductor in electronic devices. You are a walking antenna for receiving mind control 5G transmissions.

Hydra vulgaris, an indestructible self-replicating invertebrate that spreads throughout the human body to form a network matrix that serves as a neural network for conducting pulsed 5G signals, connectivity to WiFi, and electrical communication among the body’s installed operating system.
– The usual letal concoction of Mercury, Lead, Aluminum, Arsenic, Live Cancer cells, etc.
The Covid Fake Pandemic lethal vaccines contain a hydrogel substance inoculated with an assortment of pathogens and embedded as lipid nanoparticles. The pathogens include Ebola, Ecoli, and a Marburg strain, which could be the principle causal agents for the upcoming next vaccine-induced mass death: Code named: “Disease X.” During the time in 2020–2022 when the chemically and Media-stupefied masses were in “Lockdown,” unwitting civilian government subcontractors worked diligently to install 5G towers throughout America and the rest of the world. Microwave 5G frequencies from these towers shall activate the pathogenic mixture to erupt from within the lipid hydrogel and dump it into the blood stream of the vaxxed victim, thereby expediting vaccine mortality. A series of three 1-minute 5G pulses is the electromagnetic signal code which triggers the release of the lethal mixture into the body of the vaxxed. Prior to that occurrence they are a ticking time bomb of walking death, and having been gene-spliced with nonhuman DNA, are genetically no longer human, but rather, nonhuman. These are the “Zombies” which, for decades, Hollywood predictive programming has foretold. At some key point in the future the 3-pulse 5G 18 GHZ signal will be enacted and shall result in a massive kill off of those who unwisely submitted to the Fake Pandemic vaccines. (The cited cause will of course be the latest New World Order 93 strains of nonexistent “Virus.”) Further, the vaccine-injected 1P36 gene deletion sequence will genetically alter the vaxxed to display aggressive violent behavior, eliciting unprovoked attacks upon the unvaxxed and each other. Characterized by animalistic biting suggestive of a nonhuman pathology, those with the deleted genetics will become the fulfillment of a Hollywood horror film. (“Zombie Dominance” has already been recognized by law enforcement, and protocols are in place to address it.)

As of the year 2020 the beginning of the end is upon us. Suddenly the whole world is thrust into a state of continual crisis and media-promoted fabrications about a Fake Pandemic and nonexistent Corona Virus. Nearly everyone believes the scripted lies, and those who don’t are watching and waiting for the next government-sponsored act of terrorism. Global depopulation by vaccine injection, human microchipping, vaccine gene splicing to replace human DNA with nonhuman DNA, Chromosomal-damaging 5G radiation, Starlink plantary surveillance, transhumanism, trauma-based mass programming, highway checkpoints, lockdowns, warrantless searches, Police State, FEMA Death Camps, and much more. With psychopathic madmen ruling the world, the human race is doomed for extinction. The timeline has already been determined by an all-knowing God.

Putin does NOT WANT WAR!!!!!!
He’s being provoked by the global mobsters/monsters to respond to an airstrike on Russia by Ukraine when they join NATO and are supplied with F-14 jets to attack Russia.
That was the purpose of the Russia/Ukraine “conflict.” It was all a set up to start WWIII.
Same for Israel/Palestine.
The genocidal globalists want war. And this is how they will get it.

Filmed in 1973, projected 49 years into the future, 2022 (Predictive Programming). “Soylent Green is People!” YOU are Covid Soylent Green.

The conspiracy is global, and Conspirators are everywhere.They are in government, in the schools, in the churches, in your town and neighborhood, and even in your home. They believe the Fake Pandemic is real, and cannot realize that Corona Virus is a lie. They watch TV and listen to the news, they accept the scripted reports as irrefutable fact, and fear a media-promoted Covid crisis. They despise the truth; they hate God. And then there’s you, observing it all unfold day by day, waiting for the next traumatizing government-orchestrated event, hoping they won’t force you to submit to a vaccine and damn your soul to hell, or be cut off from participating in commerce and prohibited from buying food to feed your family. Welcome to the Luciferian New World Order.

The Anticonspiracy League is real. It is a gathering of well-informed, like-minded individuals from every walk of life, and who are united by one chief characteristic – they love the truth and revere God Jesus Christ. Small groups consisting of no more than 7-8 people regularly meet in their homes, in towns and large cities all over the world to discuss what to do in today’s present distress, for they realize the time is short, the stakes are high, and action must be taken. They make plans, they strategize, they prepare for what is coming, and for the inevitable moment of that dreaded announcement: “No one may buy or sell without the Covid Validation Mark of the Beast.” That day will surely arrive, and is not far off. In fact, by the year 2027 the world will be a much different place. Get ready. There is much more in jeopardy than just your physical needs. To get a realistic portrayal of what it will be like, read The Coming of Wisdom. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. – John 8:32

The coming of Wisdom

Somewhere in the world there are seven very special people, unique in their talents and ability. They are of high character, noble values, integrity, and proficiency in a specific area of expertise. These men are the Seven Who Dared:
A genius strategist, an MMA Champion, a world-class financier, an anointed street preacher, a research scholar, a combat-hardened military demolition expert, a God-gifted visionary. If you think you may qualify for any of the above, please get in touch with Soul Esprit at the “Contact Soul” link in the menu tab. God has an important job for you. You may read about yourself in the book Seven Who Dared.

Seven Who Dared

Funds Managed, or Learn how to Trade from the World’s Top Market Analyst: Click for website

We are the children, the Last Generation.
We Don’t Need Another Hero (Song):
Jesus Christ is #1
The Ultimate Hero.



Only order them from BARNES & NOBLE (

Soul Esprit’s newest book, “The Globalist’s Agenda End Game: Corona Virus, 5G, and the Fake Pandemic,” is being suppressed by Amazon and Google, both Illuminati fronts, which prevent truthful information from reaching the media-programmed public.

Amazon and it’s illegitimate 3rd party resellers are hindering, discouraging, and suppressing the sell of Soul Esprit’s titles – especially the newest title, The Globalist’s Agenda End Game, and Genesis 1:29 Diet, and also Seven Who Dared. Amazon’s third party book resellers are shell organizations that have commandeered Soul Esprit’s Amazon page for these titles by raising the price above the listed cover price, adding a shipping charge, and delaying shipping. They have done this to discourage sales of this vitally important book. These books are available on Barnes & Noble (, as well as other Online booksellers, and at the true book cover price, with immediate free delivery.  (Song)

DO NOT order Soul Esprit’s books through Illuminati-controlled Amazon! You will pay more for it, and it may not be delivered, or delivery in weeks and months instead of 1-3 days.


“… upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18)

In this day of government lies and deceit, stand for the truth,
because The Truth is the only thing worth standing for.

THE GLOBALIST’S AGENDA END GAME: Corona Virus, 5G, and the Fake Pandemic

THEY are LYING to you! This revealing book gives you the facts behind the COVID DECEPTION — The plan of the world’s wealthy elite is for global domination by means of a FAKE PANDEMIC to control and depopulate the planet. The author calls their bluff in this chilling expose’ of THE GLOBALIST’S AGENDA END GAME. It’s not about Virus Control … it’s about PEOPLE CONTROL !

Click to order Paperback book
Click to download Ebook
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” (Hosea 4:6)

You wear a mask, not realizing that it is a sign of submission to the Globalist’s Agenda, and when there is no Pandemic.
So, by your ignorance, or cowardice, you support a lie. But the righteous, the noble, WILL NOT LIE, and they refuse to wear a mask and be subservient to Satan’s government people, and thereby send a clear signal that they will not be a liar, like you.

Corona Virus
Criminal Government
Spiritual Reality
Diet & Health
Legalized Criminality
Spiritual Warfare
The End Year 2051
Controlled Media
Satanic Ritual Abuse
Gun Control
False Christianity
The Globalist’s Agenda
Medical Crime Cartel
Stock Market

“Conspiracy Theorist”: Someone who exposes the falsehoods of known Liars.

Both, the Mainstream and Alternative Media, are owned and controlled by the Luciferian Globalists. Do not believe ANYTHING they say. It is misinformation/disinformation intended to deceive you. Turn off your TV.

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” – George Orwell, 1984

Google deleted this video, SEE WHY


Google deleted this video, SEE WHY

Stock Market Predicts 2020 Election Outcome. Globalist shill, Biden, will now dismantle America



The Story of M
Click image to Order Now
World’s first and only published Novel on the horrors of receiving vaccine lethal injections. Truth so powerful that globalist-controlled Amazon won’t offer this book on their site. ( Buy it from []. )

Chemtrails are real. They are not a “Conspiracy Theory.” They are a Conspiracy FACT. (For proof, just look up.)


The below 8 videos were removed by Google YouTube because they exposed the VACCINE LIE and told the truth that

Vaccine Truth – 4 Dummies

Timeline Until the End

Why Governments Are a Menace to Society

Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jared Kushner, DOW Top & Crash, Corona Virus

Vaccines – the BIG LIE!

Vaccine Truth Test

Police are Terrorists

Disarming America – Trump’s Dilemma

Legalized Criminality

The Truth About Reality

Prayer of a Warrior Servant of God Jesus Christ

Why Does Google Fear Soul Esprit?

What the Reptilian Elites do for Recreation

Is Mark Zuckerberg an Android?

Everything Is a Test

Dow Crash?

Stock Market Ponzi Scheme

BEAT THE STOCK MARKET: A Million dollar Trading Manual for Only $77

2018-2022: U.S. Stock Market Forecast and Political/Spiritual Future

Who Are You and Why Are You Here?


Prophetic Significance of the Year 2051

When Will the Illuminati Crash the Stock Market?

Government counter-intelligence shuts down Soul Esprit

Year 2051 The End

The Tigers come out at Night

Doctors are Lying to You!

Our Limited Perception of Reality

Why Does The Illuminati Fear This Man?

Man’s Government is Satan’s Religion

World Tribunal for Nwo Crimes Against Humanity

Your Pastor is lying to you!

School Shootings = Gun Control

The False Christian Church

False Christians in America Today

Over 6 Million children yearly are ritually sacrificed to the New World Order!

Catholic is Not Christian

Red Tie vs. Babylonian Blue Tie: The Illuminati Approved Shill

The REAL George H.W. Bush: Satanist, pedophile, drug lord, serial killer

Amazon is Censoring Soul Esprit

America’s MIA Children

Amazon: Slander, Lies, and Defamatory Reviews

Castle of Darkness/Chateau Amerois: Child Abduction, Satanic Rituals by Elites

Doctors are LYING TO YOU

Google censors all of Soul Esprit’s videos exposing the Fake Pandemic and the Covid 19 Fraud which has killed more than 1 billion people to date. Read Soul Esprits books to find out the uncensored truth behind the Genocide of Humanity.

Google is Censoring Soul Esprit

Proof From the BIBLE: Your Pets are in Heaven

Be Not Deceived

Vatican False Prophet

Predictive Programming

Terminate Soul Esprit

Obama The Antichrist

Why do the Elites Live So Long?

BROKEN MORAL COMPASS: Lost Children of a Decadent Culture

VR - 5G SIMULATION: The End of Mankind as We Know It

Fool’s Paradise

The Truth About Gambling Addictions

Police Are Terrorists

The Police/FOP/Freemasonry Connection

9/11 American People Stupidity Index

Prophetic Significance of the Year 2051

Defeat the New World Order

Soul Esprit’s broadcast deleted from Talk Show Host Archives

In November 2011, Soul Esprit was invited as a guest on the Rense Internet broadcast, with a listener audience of millions. Esprit’s recently published book: “When Will the Illuminati Crash the Stock Market?” was the topic of discussion. New Ager, Jeff Rense, after receiving the above email from Cointelpro agent, Marie Martine Hamel/Buchanan, soon afterward deleted Soul Esprit’s interview from his Archives. Rense is known to be adverse to Christianity, Christians, and the Christian God – Jesus Christ. Deleting the interview from his archives was done in an effort to limit Esprit’s witness to Jesus Christ and to sabotage his work exposing government corruption. This was the only time in the 30 year history (since 1994) of airing the program that Rense deleted a guest interview. Esprit’s other exposé works include: “The Criminal Fraternity: Servants of the Lie,” “Seven Who Dared,” “The Great Deception,” “The Coming of Wisdom,” “Genesis 1:29 Diet,” “Fractal Trading,” “The Globalist’s Agenda,” and other titles.