Fractal Trading Technical Analysis

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom …” (Psalm 111:10)

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Soul Esprit, Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, published a book in 2003 that anticipated the 2007 top in the U.S. financial markets. He wrote a book in 1992 that correctly predicted the crash of 2008, and wrote another book in 1996 that dealt with the consequences of the coming global economic collapse, which he describes in his present volume, published January 2011.

He published notices in major print media forecasting the October 11, 2007 market top, the First Quarter 2008 decline, and the current stock market decline, BEFORE they happened. He has documented all the major DJIA advances and declines over the last 10 years – PRIOR to their occurrence. He anticipated today’s pre-depression U.S. economy 15 years before anyone else, making him the most accurate financial market forecaster on record.

Soul Esprit is the only person in the world to have documented and published in major print media (dates in parenthesis below) the following key economic forecasts and stock market events before they occurred:*

  • The third largest weekly DJIA point drop in the 219 year history of the NYSE: August 1998 (August 9, 13, 23, 1998).
  • The ultimate top in the U.S. economy: October 11, 2007 (August 10; November 18, 2007).
  • The largest weekly and monthly point decline in U.S. stock market history, and the largest percentage Quarterly decline since the 1929-33 Great Depression: October 2008 (August 10, 2007).
  • The initial stage of the U.S. market crash: First Quarter 2008 (August 10, 2007).
  • Accelerated devaluation of U.S. currency collapse and collapse of the world financial banking system: Presently in effect as of September/October 2008 (December 2003).
  • Future course of U.S. and global economy, as reflected by the major U.S. Stock Indices: DJIA, S&P, NASDAQ (August 10, November 18, 2007; January 2011).

* Documentation for the above forecasts is included in his new book: When will the Illuminati Crash the Stock Market?

His current volume on technical analysis trading includes proprietary trading instruction based on Fractal Geometry. This is not merely another technical analysis book, but is the specific market technical analysis that is used by one of the best Market Analysts in the country … and perhaps even, in the world.


These are the kind of results possible using the trading methodology implemented by Soul Esprit (click images to view in another window):

Starting Amount: $4000

4 Weeks, 8 Trades, $13,999 Profit, 350% Return

Ending Balance: $17,999.26

Starting Amount: $350

9 Weeks, 8 Trades, $12,933 Profit, 3695% Return

Ending Balance: $13,283.01

Starting Amount: $310.74

1 Week, 4 Trades, $3,744 Profit, 1205% Return

Ending Balance: $4,036.26

Starting Amount: $48,300

10 days, 12 Trades, $104,700 Profit, 217% Return

Ending Balance: $152,999.39

Starting Amount: $2,076.11

7 Weeks, 7 Trades, $12,191 Profit, 587% Return

Ending Balance: $14,267.38

Back Cover Financial Markets, Trading Instruction

Whether you are a novice trader or experienced investor, this book provides valuable instruction on how to:

– Know when to sell
– Objectively determine precision entries and exits
– Position for advancing or declining markets
– Trade for the short-term or invest long-term
– Know when to be fully invested and when to be in cash
– Safely trade leveraged markets for maximizing returns
– Calculate key turning points and establish market positions before the trend changes direction

You have read all the books and seen all the videos, bought all the software, went to the seminars offering hope for learning how to trade. You spent thousands of dollars and as many hours laboring over an endeavor that has befuddled many a dedicated mind. But in the end, you still lost money. The financial landscape is strewn with frustrated hopes and depleted bank accounts.

Legally acquire the advance
information of an “Insider Trader”

This is the definitive guide for a time-tested approach used by the author to achieve a published economic forecast record unparalleled in recent stock market history. Presented in a concise format, he instructs the aspiring trader or professional analyst in how to identify the current location of a market’s price in relation to its past history and projected future. Implementing this same methodology, he correctly anticipated the precision timeline for the collapse of the U.S. and global economies.

Soul Esprit, Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, is the author of nine books and is the only person on record to document by publication – prior to the event – every major advance and decline in the DJIA economic barometer since 2003. One of the nation’s top market analysts on predicting the rise and fall of financial markets over the last decade, and utilizing geometric and mathematical relationships to precisely forecast the coming U.S. and global monetary crash, his technical studies actually precede political events, proving that the politico-economic future can be known in advance.

Read how Soul Esprit has accurately called the markets and continues to do so in spite of the looming global collapse