A government operative, code named “Marie Martine Hamel-Buchanan,” has been assigned by her handlers to post on Internet platforms false and misleading information about Soul Esprit. This has been an ongoing project for the last 12 years, since 2011, and her focus is on creating the illusion that Soul Esprit is another person, someone who died 9 years ago, in 2014, and by the name of Steven Kris Sydness. She has manipulated key individuals in the media, such as political artist David Dees, talk show host Jeff Rense, and several others into believing her lies which defamated the righteous character of author Soul Esprit. Everything you see on the Internet that casts Soul Esprit in a negative light was posted by THIS ONE GOVERNMENT OPERATIVE. Disregard it as the meaningless ranting of a mind-controlled schitzophrenic psychopath.